Monday, December 01, 2003
Well Life's Been Interesting Lately! LOL
First the Good News:
My sister Cate's littlest, although he has a small cyst on the lining of his brain, it doesn't appear to be anything too serious.
Now on to other stuff:
I went for a test at the Colo. Dept. of Revenue today, for a job I applied for back on the 19th; the day that I tried to write the same blog 3 times & each time something would fail & crash my entry.
Since then, our friend AHZ came in from Laramie, & several of us got together at this really great resturant "White Fence Farm" for their fried chicken. Now, please understand, I do NOT like fried chicken, but their's is Good! Good enough to make me think about liking it.
I started disliking it because of KFC, & I still Hate Drumsticks, ugh, gross! But, that's another for another time...
I've been also fighting with a low level ear infection; trying to take care of it with anti-histamines, decongestants, & Guaifenesin; & untill Thanksgiving night I had it pretty much under control, but I got too cold, for too long & it flared up with a vengence up at my parents house on Friday. So, yesterday I got on to antibiotics. Major difference!
Well my Steve Perry CD is almost over; & it's just about my bed time so...
Laura_WD 9:31 PM