Mother Mayhem's


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Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Well It's Just Another Day

Well I have a very bad head cold; Not the flu just a rhino-virus, but I feel like Hell! Blech!!!

Got some sad news today; a young man that I used to work for, Matthew Eardman died this afternoon at about 2:30 pm from pneumonia following the flu. He was 24 years old. I worked for him up until he was about 14.

Understand that Matthew was severely developmentally disabled; his mom was plecenta previa & in hard labor for 4 hrs. before the Dr. did a C-section delivery, by which time most of Matthew's brain had been destroyed by lack of blood & oxygen! He died 3 times in the 24 hrs, but was revived each time. Poor kid, he could sort-of respond to light & sound, ie. he could turn his head toward them, but he couldn't sit up, roll over, or anything else for himself. He only had 7% of his brain left, he had constant seizures, a shunt to drain off the excess cebral stinal fluid, & a feeding tube in his stomach. Every one who worked for him learned a lot about themselves; myself included.

Frankly, most people didn't think he would live to 10, then thru his teens; yet he made it to 24. Well may he now, finally, Rest In Peace.....

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